1. Home security system
Installing a home security system might have a high cost, but homes with a security system are 300% less likely to be burglarized than not! In recent years prices have become much more affordable, and smartphone technology has made it convenient in managing your alarm system.
2. Motion Detector Lighting
Make sure your outdoor lighting has motion detectors so it’s harder for intruders to use the darkness to their advantage. It’s also useful for you if you regularly come home in the dark!
3. Add A Deadbolt Protector
Many burglars will know how to pick a lock. A deadbolt protector is a simple lock that can keep your deadbolt from turning. You can find one either on Amazon or at your local hardware store.
4. Reinforce Sliding Doors
Most sliding doors have locks, but an extra hard pull can get through many of these. Take the extra measure and find a rod that fits into the track between the door and wall. You can buy an adjustable rod for this off of Amazon, or you can DIY it and cut a piece of wood to length.
5. Add Window Locks
If you own an older home, many of the windows might not have locks on them. Make sure that at least all the windows on the main level of your house have locks. Window locks are cheap and easy to install. Or it may just be worth it to upgrade to newer windows.
6. Don’t Overshare On Social Media
Social media can be a fun way to keep up with friends and family, but it can also make you more prone to a potential break in. Be careful not to share about upcoming vacation plans or to make your address known in any public post. Burglars can find and use this information to target your home.
7. Update Your Landscaping
Having an overgrown bush or shrubbery close to your home can make it easy for intruders to hide. Think about updating your landscaping to have more open space. Put yourself in a burglar’s shoes and see where an easy place might be to hide around your property.
8. Invest In a Safe
Consider buying a safe to keep important documents and valuables in. A homeowner can do a lot to help prevent a break in, but sometimes burglars can find something that was overlooked. This not only helps protect from theft, but fire as well!
Hopefully you can take a tip or two from this list to update your home! We want to help protect your greatest investment. If you’re unsure where to start in your home security, contact me for a free consultation. I’d love to help talk through what could help based on the market value of your home.